Monday, July 29, 2013

Heat ex-changer and liquid gas storage tank provider

The heat exchanger is a piece of equipment built for efficient heat transfer from one medium to another. The media may be separated by a solid wall to prevent mixing or they may be in direct contact.Wuhan XinFa Petrochemical Equipment Co., Ltd is the main pressure vessel manufacturer in China, it's one of the largest heat ex-changer and storage tank provider for the petrochemical industry.

20000m³ gas tank

gas liquid tank design

gas liquid tank 

gas tank design

helical baffles heat exchanger design

helical baffles heat exchangers

helical baffles heat exchangers

helical baffles heat exchangers

helical baffles heat ex-changer: fluid flow spiral forward in Shells
the flow resistance is smaller than ordinary baffles heat changing efficiency is higher. Optimized heat ex-changer design enable reliable production, easy cleaning and energy efficient operation and are vital to supply safe and competitive products.

methanol storage tank design

methanol storage tank 

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