Monday, July 8, 2013

Pressure vessels for oil refining papermaking power generation and metallurgy

Wuhan XinFa Petrochemical Equipment Co., Ltd has the experience to engineer, design, assemble and install the high-quality, conforming pressure vessels you need for project productivity and crew safety.  We’re committed to providing you with equipment that is durable, economical and long-lasting, and our engineering experts are ready to meet your application requirements while ensuring performance and safety. The pressure vessels such as gas tank, oil tank, cooler, reactor, heat exchanger, steam condenser,  towers are designed and manufactured are widely used for oil refining, paper making, power generation, metallurgy, medicine and other industry.

There are the pressure vessel equipped for oil refining,  paper making, power generation industry.


100 m3 natural gas storage tank

stainless steel heat exchanger

underground storage gasoline tank

Paper mills spewing out storehouse


Power plant steam condenser

Food industry towers

The pressure vessels designed and manufactured by our company continually to prove their value oil & gas, chemical & petrochemical, refining, industrial, and construction. We've built an extensive quality-control system ensures that all customers needs have been carefully served with properly designed, constructed, inspected per ASME and the required specifications. 


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